Leave me alone I need no-one 
Leave me alone I can get by on my own 
I don't need you to tell me what I've gotta do today 

I get up every morning to the sound of my alarm 
And if that isn't enough me mum and dad is yet to come 
Me mum is always moaning 
That me dad is always broke 
I feel sorry for me dad 
He's only got his drink and his smoke 

Leave me alone I need no-one 
Leave me alone I can get by on my own 
I don't need you to tell me what I've gotta do today 

I'm sick and tired of this boring routine 
It's the same everyday 
I've got me mum nagging 
Me boss is nagging 
I'm always late for work 
I don't really care 
I'll still have a laugh anyway 

Leave me alone I need no-one 
Leave me alone I can get by on my own 
I don't need you to tell me what I've gotta do today 

I wish they'd understand me 
But I know they never will 
And eating my bloody breakfast 
Won't change the way I feel 
They talk about the old days 
The things they never had 
Well that was yesteryear mum 
And this is today dad 

Leave me alone I need no-one 
Leave me alone I can get by on my own 
I don't need you to tell me what I've gotta do today